... and only with the best, natural ingredients: That is real craftsmanship. Just as Mosáico produces his hand-cast cement tiles of the highest quality, come from Mauel bakery and pastry shop Excellent delicacies in the truest sense of the word.

The breads are baked using traditional ingredients using old craftsmanship
It started in 1883: Spouses Barthel and Christine Mauel opened in Wormersdorf (near Rheinbach near Bonn) a bakery. Electricity and running water did not exist until 1911 and 1930, respectively. A dog or a horse kept the simple kneading machine running. Until the 20th century, only gray bread and brown bread came from Mauel's bakery. Except on Saturdays — the villagers were looking forward to the tunnel.
In addition, Barthel and Christine ran a general store with everyday items that didn't require traveling to the faraway city: sewing needles, thread, butter, tobacco and much more.

View of the Mauel bakery and pastry shop
Pure ingredients, time and peace
A lot has changed since then. Peter Mauel now manages over 25 branches in the Cologne-Bonn area. Even though modern machines now provide helpful services, the old craftsmanship is honored. Breads, rolls, cakes and pies are made from our own recipes. They contain the same natural ingredients as ever: natural sourdough, flour, butter. The doughs are given time to ripen in peace.

Craftsmanship to craftsmanship: cement tiles in the Mauel bakery and pastry shop in Bonn-Auerberg.

Matthias Mauel, Peter Mauel's father, began setting up the branches in 1971.
Cement tiles as a reminder of the origins
The newest branch in Bonn-Auerberg opened in November 2015, with cement tiles from the Mosáico factory lying on the floor as a tribute to the founding parents Barthel and Christine. The classic pattern”newcastle” in the elegant and subtle paints ”Grau” and”nebula” reflects the tradition of Mauel bakery and confectionery.
Since ancient times, the tiles have also been made from natural ingredients: marble dust, fine sand and color pigments. And the cement tiles are also given time — to ripen and harden in peace and quiet after two to three weeks of storage.
Because at the time when Barthel and Christine began selling their bread, the cement tiles already known in ancient times were experiencing a renaissance. In the Mauel branch in Bonn-Auersberg, tradition and modernity come together and represent natural craftsmanship.