To renovate her farmhouse in Euskirchen, Laura Hamacher looked at patterns of cement tiles on Pinterest. It was clear to her right from the start that she wanted to use cement tiles in the entrance area and in the kitchen, as the charm of the hand-cast tiles underlines the character of the historic building.
“I want exactly what she had! “The builder said this famous quote from the romantic comedy Harry and Sally when she saw a country kitchen on Pinterest, which was also in the article in our cement tile magazine Elegance meets modernity was presented. She reached Mosáico's homepage via Pinterest and discovered exactly the tiles she was looking for in the shop: pattern 119 with border 482 in the colors white (M01) and fir (M26). With the tile planner Ms. Hamacher tried out various other patterns and color combinations — but she stuck with the first choice. That's exactly what it should be!
That was a particular stroke of luck, as Mosáico offers the tiles in its online shop at a particularly reasonable price. Nevertheless, each tile is of course handmade and is made individually by the masters. To document this, the first tiles of an order are photographed in the factory every day. These photos are sent to customers, who can thus witness the “birth” of their tiles live.
Ms. Hamacher was so impressed by this service that she reported about it on Facebook.

Since the selected tiler specializes in large-format tiles, the Hamachers quickly laid everything themselves, creating a unique atmosphere. In the kitchen, the green-white tiles combined with the white coffered fronts and the wood of the worktops create a fresh and homely atmosphere.

Even in the entrance area, the cement tiles with the lovingly arranged details immediately create a homely and nostalgic feel-good atmosphere. Ms. Hamacher said that “really everyone who comes in admires the soil as before.”